Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Bell Tolls

For lack of ability to speak at this moment in time in the history of this once great nation, I will refer you to an article written by Geoff Davis, of the 4th District of Kentucky. This article and the videos on this page say enough. Thank you sir for voting no on this job killing bill bought and paid for behind closed door with more of Mr. Obama's EARMARKS for state projects since they had to pay and barter for many of those votes. Thank you sincerely to Hal Rogers and those who do their job and represent the people.

Those non-representatives MUST GO!

See article here.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

No Go Beshear


If the representatives of Governor Beshear's office are an indication of his views, then this voter's personal opinion is that we are in deep trouble in the coal fields. After being transferred four times trying to speak to someone on the issue of Kentucky sovereignty I was referred to a gentleman who decided to give me a lecture on the state's economy and how much better off we were under the Obama administration.

Besides being extremely rude and unprofessional the gentleman blamed everything on Bush, the surplus from the Clinton era had nothing to do with Gingrich's "Contract with America" or the Republican Congress, it was only Bill Clinton, and then the Bush presidency destroyed the whole country and bankrupted us and now Obama is saving everything.

When he asked for specifics of how the federal level affected us locally, of course the government owning corporations, and the carbon tax came to mind. His response was that government has owned parts of corporations for some time, i.e. Al Gore owned a corporation that was a part owner of Microsoft??? I didn't know that.

Regarding sovereignty - He said he didn't see that as being "important enough" for the Governor to bother with during a special session and that resolutions didn't really have any merit anyway since they weren't a "law".

Rather than talking to a professional office staffer, I just talked to a rabid liberal talking head. If this man is indicative of the people Beshear surrounds himself with, then he is not a man who represents ALL of us and certainly not ME!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

National Security

My "Opinion Journal" here - The general consensus among the sane population is that Obama is extremely weak on security. Another example of weakness was shown in our lack of defenses by both the FBI and the U.S. Marshall offices. Somehow we are supposed to feel safe with them guarding our banks, backing up our auto warranties, and now sponsoring our health care. Yeah...I feel comfy with that!

"Computer Virus Strikes FBI, U.S. Marhshal's Service"

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Top 10 Reasons to Oppose Cap and Trade

[click here to download a .pdf of this report for printing]

Nancy Pelosi has repeatedly stated that Cap and Trade will be a priority for the 111th Congress.  Embraced some years ago in Europe and a few other countries, cap and trade creates an artificial market for various industries to buy, sell, and trade allowances that permit a certain amount of carbon output.  It has long been on the wish list for American liberals and extremist environmentalists.  And with Democrats now in control of Congress and the White House, you can bet they will soon engage an all effort to enact cap and trade.  In fact, in the 2010 White House budget, President Barack Obama calls for a sweeping cap and trade program that would raise $646 billion in new revenues.  Here are FreedomWorks’ Top 10 reasons why they shouldn’t…

1. It will raise energy costs:  While different nuanced approaches continue to surface, any analysis of any cap and trade scheme comes to the same conclusion; energy costs will go up.  The latest serious attempt to enact cap and trade in the United States, America’s Climate Security Act of 2007 sponsored by Sens. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) and John Warner (R-VA), serves as a good example.  An analysis of this legislation cited during a Senate hearing held by the Committee on Environment and Public Works estimated the costs to the average American household would be between $800 and $1,300 by 2015, and then increasing to $1,500 to $2,500 by 2050.
2. It doesn’t help the environment:  If energy costs are going to go up for Americans, shouldn’t there be significant environmental benefit and progress towards reversing climate change?  You would think so.  But even if the most aggressive of cap and trade schemes were properly adhered to, scientists that both advocate and oppose a cap and trade program widely agree that the maximum drop to the earth’s temperature would be no more than 0.07 degrees Celsius by the year 2050.  To give some sense of just how negligible this decrease would be, we cannot even estimate the absolute mean surface temperature of the earth within 0.07.  What’s worse is that cap and trade actually provides incentives to emit more carbon, not less.  An article by the Christian Science Monitor explains: “By turning carbon emissions into commodities that can be bought and sold, cap-and-trade policies could remove the stigma from producing such emissions.”  In other words, if industries understand they are working within a legal framework when they output carbon, the public pressure for them to cut down is weakened.  Evidence of this can be seen in Europe where most countries have seen carbon emissions go up, even though the European Union has had a cap and trade regime in place since 2005.   

3. It doesn’t work where it has been tried:  Speaking of Europe, let’s take a closer look at how cap and trade is fairing.  As mentioned earlier, the EU is watching carbon emission levels rise despite the fact that they have had a cap and trade system since 2005.  Furthermore, the Heartland Institute reports that 12 of the 15 EU nations taking part in the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, a program that sets greenhouse gas reduction targets and serves as a precursor to cap and trade, are failing to meet their reduction targets, with three going over by more than 10 percent and another three going over by more than 20 percent.  In fact, emissions for all EU countries went up on average 2.1 percent between 2000 and 2004.  Compare this with the United States where currently no such regulatory regime exists and yet emissions went up only 1.3 percent during the same time period.  Nonetheless, President Obama has announced an aggressive set of targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promising to “work expeditiously with key stakeholders and the Congress to develop an economy-wide emissions reduction program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions approximately 14 percent below 2005 levels by 2020, and approximately 83 percent below 2005 levels by 2050.”
4. It will cost Americans jobs:  This calculation is a pretty simple one.  For U.S. industry to comply with a cap and trade scheme, they have to reduce their carbon emissions.  There are two ways to do this: (1) produce less – this obviously hurts jobs as companies would seek to streamline their workforce to compensate for a drop in production, or (2) buy carbon allowances in order to keep production up – this, too, would threaten jobs as companies would be forced to devote more internal resources to allowances, negatively effecting their bottom lines and potentially putting workers on the chopping block.  In either case, the rising costs of energy under a cap and trade system, as mentioned earlier, only add to the problem.  An analysis conducted by Charles River Associates in 2007 estimated anywhere from 1.2 million to 2.3 million jobs would be lost under a cap and trade scheme.

5. It is in effect a hidden regressive tax:  We’ve talked about how cap and trade causes energy prices to go up.  That doesn’t just hit American industry, but American consumers as well.  The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) correctly notes that as these prices go up in the form of higher gasoline, heating oil, and electricity, the poor are hit hardest with what is in effect a hidden regressive tax.  President Obama promises to return revenues to vulnerable communities, families and businesses, but that leaves taxpayers at the whim of government to redistribute income rather than letting taxpayer keep their hard earned dollars.

6. It sets a dangerous precedent:  While extremist environmentalists and their liberal allies have been whining about climate change for years, most stop short of declaring cap and trade the silver-bullet solution.  Environmental groups like the Sierra Club and the National Resources Defense Council are generally supportive of the concept of cap and trade.  However, as The Heritage Foundation has pointed out, these groups have found fault with actual proposals such as America’s Climate Security Act of 2007, criticizing them for not going far enough and willing only to endorse them as “a good first step.”  As much damage as a cap and trade scheme would cause in its own right, this posture by extreme environmental groups foreshadows even more draconian regulations in our future.

7. It prevents market forces from working for the environment: The market distortions imposed by a cap and trade system would be significant.  Recently, major energy companies such as ExxonMobil and Shell have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in technologies that capture and store carbon as well as lower carbon alternative energy sources.  A cap and trade system however, sets up perverse incentives that will distract these and other companies from market-based solutions to curb carbon output.  Resources instead will be funneled to the artificial market for carbon allowances that cap and trade sets up.

8. It threatens to put the U.S. at a competitive disadvantage with other countries: Though the E.U. and the United States may be buying into cap and trade, industrial giants like China and India are not.  Remember the lost jobs we talked about in point #4?  In addition to China and India, nearby Mexico (another country where cap and trade is not even a remote possibility) are more than willing to pick up the U.S. slack and bolster their already robust manufacturing sectors.

9. It opens the door to massive fraud and corruption:  As energy companies look to game the system, cap and trade would open the door wide for fraud and corruption that could devastate U.S. investors and the economy as a whole.  This has been seen already in the UK, a country currently participating in cap and trade.  In a recent article by the British-based Guardian newspaper they report: “Britain’s biggest polluting companies are abusing a European emissions trading scheme (ETS) designed to tackle global warming by cashing in their carbon credits in order to bolster ailing balance sheets.”  In the United States we have seen what happens when companies engage in creative accounting measures to hide losses and the staggering domino effect it can have on Wall Street investors and the larger economy.  If you need more proof of this threat, look no further than this report by The Competitive Enterprise Institute that discusses Enron’s support for a cap and trade scheme that would allow them to dominate this new, made-up market for carbon.

10. It threatens to bust the federal budget at a time when the United States can scarcely afford it:  Federal spending continues at a breakneck pace.  The recent passage of the trillion-dollar stimulus bill along with even more taxpayer funded bailouts looming on the horizon add to U.S. budget woes and sink us deeper into recession.  And as if times weren’t tough enough, the CBO reports that cap and trade would heap additional undue pressure on our fragile budget.  According to their report, government would face the same challenges with higher energy costs that consumers do.  Additionally, the fall in production for U.S. industry would lead to a loss of federal government tax revenues.  Further increasing spending while decreasing revenues makes cap and trade a tough sell in the current economic climate.


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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kentucky Sovereignty High on the List!

Be sure to sign the petition at the bottom of this post!

Many people don't realize the importance of State Sovereignty, however the issue is gaining momentum as 21 states now have legislation either passed or pending regarding this issue.

Why is it so important?

Thomas Jefferson once wrote, "When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another, and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated."

The Founding Fathers included the 9th and 10th amendments to give relief to the people from an excessively over-bearing, or dictatorial government.

As we go about our everyday business, the United States Senate is consulting with the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The UNCRC is an international treaty focused on promoting the rights of children and seeking to give children priority in the implementation of governmental measures. The Convention claims to offer a road map that will guide government officials in the improvement of laws and policies, by defining which rights the government should give to children.

Now I don't know about you, but I don't want INTERNATIONAL laws telling me how to raise my children!

Obama's nominee for "regulatory czar", Cass Sunstein, has advocated a "Fairness Doctrine" for the Internet that would require opposing opinions be linked and also has suggested angry e-mails should be prevented from being sent by technology that would require a 24-hour cooling off period.

Every day brings a brand new threat against our very basic rights as an American citizen. We MUST draw a line in the sand somewhere and reclaim the privileges our forefathers fought and died for and then penned so eloquently into a document we call the United States Constitution.

Before the next legislative session in Kentucky, I hope to take thousands of signatures to our representatives so that they know that we agree with historian Kevin Gutzman, who has said that those who would give us a “living” Constitution are actually giving us a dead one, since such a thing is completely unable to protect us against the encroachments of government power.

In 2010 PASS Kentucky Sovereignty Legislation!

Sign This Petition, And Pass It On!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hate Crimes = Hate Christians?

America's most basic freedoms of speech, conscience and the free exercise of religion are under attack and the time to act is now. If President Obama succeeds with his priority of passing the Hate Crimes law, H.R. 1913 - the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, it could lead to the criminalization of the Biblical view of homosexuality in sermons and elsewhere. An offended homosexual could accuse a pastor, Sunday School teacher of broadcaster of causing emotional injury simply by expressing the Biblical view that homosexuality is sinful.
H.R. 1913 is one more step in the campaign to legitimize homosexuality in our culture by treating it as a protected class along with race, gender, and religion. The long term goal is to create one more platform from which to eradicate wrong thinking about homosexuality. H.R. 1913 will undoubtedly pave the way to legislation that will make thinking Biblically about homosexuality a "hate crime."

(Copied from American Family Association)

Folks...there are plenty of laws on the books that protect all violent crimes. Why are they trying to add a special law to make this separate? We must take a stand if we are to be able to practice freedom of religion in America.

Call your Senators & Congressman and tell them NO to HR 1913!
Mitch McConnell (202) 224-2541
Jim Bunning (202) 224-4343
Hal Rogers (202) 225-4601

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Let the Parties Begin!

And the people have spoken.

All across the country citizens are committed to making our voices heard. Enough is Enough! We must protect our freedoms, defend our Constitution, preserve our second amendment rights, stop the amnesty of illegal immigrants, stop the bailouts and purchase of our banks and companies.

Are you prepared to UNITE or SUBMIT?

Find a Tea Party near you!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obama Targets Mining Again!

Updated: After pressure from constituents, the EPA has had to reverse its course temporarily on this decision. They will allow permits for now and "keep an eye" in the future. We'll keep our eyes on the attacks on the coal industry.

The agenda is revealed yet again as Obama's hand-picked EPA head, Lisa Jackson, makes her first strike against the mining industry and over-rules the courts against the Army Corp of Engineers which earlier won their case in the federal court of Appeals as to whether they had the right to issue the permits. Having won their case in court, it would seem the government decided to take the matter into their own hands once again and ignore the judicial system as well as the overwhelming scientific evidence contrary to their "Al Gore Doom & Gloom" scenario.

You can rest well knowing that tens of thousands of you have lost your jobs because myth and dreams once again beat out hard science.

OR....better yet - Call your representatives and let them know what you think about this!

Mitch McConnell (202) 224-2541
Jim Bunning (202) 224-4343
Hal Rogers (202) 225-4601

Find out when and where the "TEA PARTIES" are going to be and GO! We are not going to stand idly by and let them take over this country while we sleep! We VOTE TOO!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Commander at Ft. Campbell demands Private Gun Info

A military commander at Fort Campbell in Kentucky demanded his soldiers give him the registration numbers of any guns they own privately and then reveal where they are stored.

The order was stopped since it was not official, but to think some of our own military would succumb to the new administration's bull is extremely offensive! A lot of veterans have told me that people in the military would never follow somebody like Obama, but this shows that is not true.

Order Is Reversed Under Pressure Only! Article Here

Friday, March 20, 2009

Vote No on H.R. 1388 "The GIVE Act" Petition

H.R. 1388 "The GIVE Act" is in direct violation of our Constitutional Rights as American citizens.
requiring mandatory volunteerism of United States citizens is a form of slavery and can NOT be tolerated. Click on the link below to sign this petition:

Vote No on H.R. 1388 "The GIVE Act" Petition

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Kentucky Patriots will be on April 11th from 1:00 - 4:00 PM at the Inn on Broadway in Lexington, KY. If possible bring $5.00 to help cover the cost of the meeting room, and definitely try to bring a couple friends with you. You are welcome to come early and get to know each other.

We had a great first meeting in March and got a lot accomplished. You will really be glad you came!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Welcome to the Kentucky Patriots!

"A grassroots organization dedicated to the defense and protection of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights"

Across America we are seeing organizations forming, tea parties, mass mailings, phones ringing...We are the "Silent Majority" no more. Our first meeting was awesome. We look forward to growing together.

As Kentucky Patriots we will not authorize partisan politics. Our support will be for candidates who protect the Constitution and Bill of Rights of the United States of America. If politicians do not do the job they were given by US, the American voter, then we have a duty to vote them out.

If you have not already done so, go to, join your state and your congressional district groups, and you will be kept up-to-date on legislation in your areas. We will all work together, grow our numbers, not only hold our officials accountable now, but prepare for the next elections as well. We've got work to do, so let's roll! Check the website for meeting dates!

We must remember, they work for us.