Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obama Targets Mining Again!

Updated: After pressure from constituents, the EPA has had to reverse its course temporarily on this decision. They will allow permits for now and "keep an eye" in the future. We'll keep our eyes on the attacks on the coal industry.

The agenda is revealed yet again as Obama's hand-picked EPA head, Lisa Jackson, makes her first strike against the mining industry and over-rules the courts against the Army Corp of Engineers which earlier won their case in the federal court of Appeals as to whether they had the right to issue the permits. Having won their case in court, it would seem the government decided to take the matter into their own hands once again and ignore the judicial system as well as the overwhelming scientific evidence contrary to their "Al Gore Doom & Gloom" scenario.

You can rest well knowing that tens of thousands of you have lost your jobs because myth and dreams once again beat out hard science.

OR....better yet - Call your representatives and let them know what you think about this!

Mitch McConnell (202) 224-2541
Jim Bunning (202) 224-4343
Hal Rogers (202) 225-4601

Find out when and where the "TEA PARTIES" are going to be and GO! We are not going to stand idly by and let them take over this country while we sleep! We VOTE TOO!

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